Factory : MetacComplex

for metactivation®

We are the producer of new compoundable polymers group, named PaDA®

Made from, for the first time in the world, already-cross-linked polymers, for instance, XL-EPDM, XL-PE, XL-NR, mixed-up plastics, etc.


We sell the TPE/TPV/TPU, the cheapest in the world !

Basing our observations on phenomena on vulcanized rubbers and plastics within industries since 1999, we have presented the theory of metactivation® / Metastable State in polymers through French patents (year 2009), European, American and Korean (in processing) According to the theory of metactivation®, the metastable state is between the stable and unstable state: A stable state (with minimum entropy) naturally evolves to the unstable state (with maximum entropy).

In the polymer field, a cross-linked/vulcanized rubber is stable for very long time (at minimum entropy). On the other hand, a virgin rubber is, in nature, in unstable condition/state with maximum entropy.

However, the inventor noted, for the first time in the world, that there is new material which comes from a crosslinked rubber having undergone a mechanical operation, which behaves neither like the original crosslinked rubber (so, stable with a minimum entropy), nor a virgin rubber (so, unstable with a maximum entropy). This new polymeric material is named 'metastable matter '. Its physicochemical characteristics are, for the first of the world, defined in the patents of the inventor.

So, we sell the cheapest TPE/TPV/TPU in the world !

The Products

PaDA® a kind of polymer-compound


is a kind of polymer-compound in fine powder form which carbon black and additives are already in, then, crosslinkable materials.

These polymer products are produced through our patented technology Metactivation®.

A) Fine powder rubber compounds : classified HS code, 40 05 99 90

  1. Pada®-H100 : NR based rubber
  2. Pada®-E100 : EPDM based rubber
  3. Pada®-S100 : EPDM based rubber

B) Powder plastic compound : classified HS code, 39 16 10 00

  1. Pada®-PE100 : Powder PE compound

C) TPE/TPV black granules :

  1. Tpei® 5050 : granule-compound of PP/PE and Pada® : 5-20 MPA, 200 – 400 %

A new generation of compounds / masterbatches several compositions developed to enable you to make new types of compounds in TPE, TPV, TPUrethane, NR, SBR, EPDM, Bitume, Epoxy, etc...

  • In all proportions, miscible with raw materials PP, PE, PUR, NR, SBR, EPDM, Asphalt, Epoxy, etc.
  • A contribution of value-added qualities: anti-shock, anti-slip, anti-noise, cold resistance - heat - UV - abrasion, flexibility "on demand" good elastic memory, etc.
  • a competitive price
  • The use of PaDA® is extremely simple because usable mixers / extruders currents.
  • Ideal for eco-friendly concept

Advantages :

  • Tpei®, plastic-rubbers (TPE) made with our PaDA®, has eminent properties, as high softness, anti-shock, anti-slip, anti-noise, anti-abrasion, anti-heat, anti-UV, anti-corrosion, etc..
  • Huge market of daily consumption articles made with our Tpei®
  • Pada®-PE in fine powder, is easy to use.
  • Low price, so, very high profit !!!

Our PaDA® is patent material in France, Europe, USA and Korea (in processing).

Our metactivation® technology is patent process/machine in France.

Application Fields

Avec nos PaDA®

With our PaDA® in micro-powder form, fillers already-in, we make: